What is CEANI? |
CEANI was born from the main nucleus of human resources and materials of the General Research Sercive also called CEANI, in relation with its old name Numericall Applications in Engineering Center. Since 1992 it has been involved in several lines of work in Modelling, Simulation and Optimization. Since 1996, the research has also included Reliability related areas (Reliability,Fiabilidad, Disponibilidad, Seguridad, Probabilistic analysis of risks, optimal predictive maintenance). From the beginning more than 200 lectures, 60 international scientific publications and 20 research and development projects have been presented.CEANI has also organized more than 50 Conferences about Numerical Simulation and optimization methods, taking into account their applications to scientific and tecnological problems. El CEANI tiene como función primordial colaborar de forma activa en una mayor y eficaz transferencia del conocimiento entre el ámbito universitario e investigador y el ámbito empresarial, estableciendo un vínculo constante y fluido para contribuir a la innovación aplicada al mundo real. |